display of various complex mathematical equations on a board


Many careers depend on problem-solving and analytical skills. By studying mathematics, you can enter fields from business research to computer science. Be ready to transfer to a four-year program with 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站's associate degree in mathematics. We offer classes online and in person so you can create a schedule that works for you.

Why Earn an Associate Degree in 数学?

We all rely on math concepts to help us solve problems in our everyday lives. 从预算到梦幻足球队, numbers and statistics help us make sense and order in our lives. In the same way, businesses rely on math concepts and principles to help them thrive. You'll help them solve problems through calculations and analysis with an Associate of Science (AS) in 数学.

Your degree will help you excel in fields like 工程 and physics. Your analysis skills will also help you find careers in law, medicine, and journalism. See how a 数学 AS can open the doors to your future.

Why Study 数学 at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站?


太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, we understand that many of our students have busy schedules and responsibilities. That's why we offer many online mathematics courses. Many of our online classes are asynchronous, which means you can watch lectures on your own time. You'll still be able to participate in discussions and meet with your professors via our web platforms. 在SJC获得灵活性.


Whether in-person or online, you'll find that your mathematics professors are here to support you. Complete your 数学 AS in small classroom settings—not giant lecture halls. You'll be able to connect with your professors as you get help after class or meet them during their office hours. See how SJC faculty will help you succeed.


More and more jobs require applicants to have bachelor's degrees. Our two-year associate degree in mathematics will prepare you to transfer to a four-year college. Your SJC courses fulfill many bachelor's degree requirements. You'll also benefit from our lower tuition rates and smaller classroom sizes.

Additionally, we have transfer agreements with four-year schools in and out of state. By transferring to those schools, you can complete your bachelor's degree in just two more years.


因为 SJC的低学费, the 数学 AS is an excellent investment for you. You'll receive a high-quality education that will prepare you for your bachelor's degree with a fraction of the cost of a four-year school. You may also qualify to get your degree tuition-free through the NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships

What You'll Learn in the 数学 AS Program

Discover how to apply mathematical concepts and skills to solve real-world problems. With an associate degree in mathematics at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, you'll learn to think critically and creatively to find solutions. Our professors will also teach you how to communicate effectively to share your findings with others.


  • 微积分
  • 线性代数
  • 微分方程

You will also get to choose elective courses based on your area of interest. 它们包括如下字段:

  • 计算机编程
  • 工程
  • 数学
  • 物理



Be prepared to earn a bachelor's degree at a four-year university with 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站. 数学AS, you can enter as a junior majoring in mathematics at the following four-year schools:

*Has a transfer agreement with 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 for the associate degree in mathematics. Schools without transfer agreements may also accept your course credits, 但并非所有学分都可以转移.

咨询你的导师 if you wish to transfer to pursue your bachelor's degree in mathematics. You will need to coordinate your coursework at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 with the transfer institution's requirements.


Two individuals sit at a table with an open laptop in front of them, 在一张纸上复习课文


你的数学课需要帮助? Get help with your schoolwork with online and in-person tutoring sessions at our 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 Tutoring Center. We also have online drop-in hours that don't need appointments. You can also borrow and use calculators, computers, and other resources.


Jobs in math-related positions are in high demand. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, overall employment in math occupations is projected to grow by 29% from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations.

有数学学位, you'll be ready for jobs in the science, 技术, 工程, 还有数学领域. 常见的工作包括:

  • 精算师
  • 计算机程序员
  • 计算机系统分析员
  • 金融分析师
  • 市场研究分析师
  • 簿记员
  • 数学教师


To enroll in the Associate of Science in 数学, you must first apply to 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!


If you are already a student at 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, talk to your advisor about our 数学 AS and your transfer options.



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